Research Minions
Fuencisla Canadas
PhD Researcher
Paleoceanographic context of organic matter deposition on the Yangtze Craton, South China during the Ediacaran Period
Fieke Mulder
PhD Researcher
Elucidating mineral dissolution and precipitation mechanisms.
Joe Sumesar-Rai
PhD Researcher
Using boron isotopes as a tracer of habitat and diet.
Lisa Friberg
Examining lithium isotopes as a tracer of silicate weathering through a river time-series
Lara Cosford
Examining lithium isotopes as a tracer of silicate weathering rates.
Chloe Tooley
“Enhanced weathering CO2 sequestration experiments at 4°C”
Past Minions
Dr Tianchen He
Evolution of marine redox condition and seawater chemistry during Cambrian period
Ying Shields-Zhou
Constructing a seawater strontium isotope curve for the Neoproterozoic Era.
Tyrone Holmes
A modelling and geochemical study of the Selenium isotopic cycle and the associated rise in atmospheric oxygen
Ollie Short
“The Mg isotope composition of basaltic rivers in the Azores”
Pingqi Yu
“Reactive flow modelling of Li isotopes in soil core experiments”
If you are interested in research in these areas, please contact me.
- Quantifying Isotope fractionation during adsorption. Adsorption onto mineral surfaces is a process that controls a large part of the isotope signal during weathering. However, the amount of fractionation is poorly constrained. We are conducting laboratory experiments under different conditions to determine these effects.
- Changes in CO2 drawdown since the Last Glacial Maximum: the past 18,000 years have seen an overall warming trend, even before humans started influencing the climate. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen. As yet, however, we do not understand how the climate system evolved under these changing conditions. The answer could be archived in cave carbonates (speleothems), which we are examining.
- Weathering through the PETM: the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum was a period of rapid climate warming 56 million years ago. Accompanied by a CO2 rise and ocean acidification, as well as extinction, it is used as an analogy of current and future climate change. However as yet we do not understand the recovery from this period of warming, and this is what we are studying.